Learning the intricacies of RV systems has been good for our brains. 3-week vacation coming to a close. End of the days after parking are always the best. (See photo re: Lake Marion)
Lots of time to contemplate recipes ahead while Roy is driving on I95 and not much navigation required by the nervous navigator. Recently a friend from Australia sent a video of an expert gardener there naming the top 10 Vegetables we all should/can grown. Not only was he knowledgeable but very funny. “When I think of onions, it makes me cry”. Yes, some people do but not me. Contemplating Onion Tart, lots of soups that start with onions and garlic, even Sauerkraut with Caramelized Onions.
Crops from “best to awesomeness”: Lettuce, Carrots, Cabbage (especially minis), Beets (superfood), Onions, Cucumbers, Peas (including Snow Peas), Beans, Tomatoes (health benefits increase with cooking), and Potatoes (more potassium than bananas).
sorry your vacation over…snow and rain tonight